A Quiet Sunday.....
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Sunday, December 27th
Good Morning from The Homestead.
It is Sunday morning,.... quiet, cold & very Christmas-y. After days of preparation & wonderful festivities, I am so looking forward to a peaceful Sunday. A little puttering around the house, possibly a long walk.....but mostly just appreciating this holiday week that is upon us. With unseasonably cold weather here in California, it allows us to not rush from the holidays straight back to the everyday, instead really enjoying the coziness of the season!....I have Holiday Inn & White Christmas to watch that I just didn't get to before Christmas, & a drive out to Coronado to see The Hotel Del's beautiful tree later this week, along with more family & friends arriving in a few days. Today though is all about slowing down, appreciating the calmness & thanking God for all the beauty & blessings of this season.
Merry Christmas from our home to yours!