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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Greetings from my home to yours!.......I have been away far too long from this beloved little blog of mine!.....2012 hit & it seems our household & family has had one thing after another needing our attention.
My dear sister-in-law passed away a few weeks ago & traveling, & attending her funeral & saying our last good-byes was something that was sad, but healing at the same time. It seems that during the course of each day, something reminds me of Jackie, & I find myself smiling....I know she is with me always.....
Then three weeks later my beautiful daughter Holly was married!.....a very hands-on, home-made wedding...& may I say an incredibly lovely affair!....We were told over & over that it felt like a party in our own home, which I took as the highest of compliments!
And now it seems that my darling daughter Mallory is knee-deep in designing costumes for a production of Peter Pan here in San Diego....In fact my sister-in-law Terri & I spent all day yesterday working at the theater, "bedazzling" costumes & making tu-tu's!!....What a great way to spend an afternoon!
So now back to my blog!....Spring is here & I for one am so ready!....
I have so enjoyed reading many of your blog posts, all about subjects pertaining to Spring! So I too want to join in!
I also want to let all of you know,......who are receiving & requesting my free monthly newsletter,.... "Living Little with Heidi", that I am writing an early Summer issue that will be going out next month!...I apologize for not sending one recently, but you can see I was juggling quite a lot these last couple months!
If you would like to receive my newsletter please contact me at I will make sure to send a copy off to you!...If you love decorating, thrifting, cooking, gardening & entertaining .....I think "Living Little" is for you!
And if there is a topic or question for me, please just ask, it may be one I include in the next newsletter!

Wishing you all a delightful weekend!

Your friend,



Anonymous,  April 14, 2012 at 2:11 PM  

Heidi, I am sorry about you losing your sister-in-law but I'm sure the wedding helped to turn your thoughts to happier times. I for one have missed your blogs and newsletter. You gave such a great tutorial on how to create a vignette, I would love something along those lines in your next newsletter. It's great to have you back.

Hugs, Gretchen

Schotzy April 15, 2012 at 4:55 AM  

The heights and depths of your roller coaster ride are almost mind boggling... SO sorry to hear about Jackie, these times are very precious, meaningful, and emotionally draining as well as filling at the same time.... the wedding sounds awesome but again I remember how tiring your role can be.... and now the excitement of the production! That is a lot in a few short months! But WELCOME BACK! YOU HAVE BEEN MISSED!

Sherri April 15, 2012 at 5:53 AM  

Heidi, I am so sorry for the loss of your sister-in-law, Jackie. I'm glad though that something reminds you of her everyday and makes you smile! Your daughters wedding sounds alot like my youngest daughter, Jennys wedding that was at our home. It is an occasion to remember!! People still talk about her wedding and it will be 4 yrs. ago in August! I'm glad your back, I have missed you! HUGS to you my friend!! Can't wait for the newsetter!

Annelies April 15, 2012 at 3:07 PM  

I am so sorry for your loss...and understand that family is always the first priority. I guess I must have MISSED that you were from San Diego...ME TOO!!! Know I keep you in my prayers and look forward to your newsletter which always provides such joy.

Lisa~A Cottage To Me April 16, 2012 at 5:04 AM  

I too am sorry to hear of your loss! On the other hand, congratulations on your daughter's wedding! Hope your spring brings brighter days your way!

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