Announcing "Our Modern Quilting Bee"!!!.....Interested Ladies Needed!!
Sunday, September 21, 2014
I love quilts!.....I love their history, their cozy-ness & their practical beauty!.....and I am always wanting to make them!....So last week when my daughter told me about this super fun quilting idea, I jumped at the chance to get a group of us together to create quilts! Here is how it works!
I am looking for a group of 12 ladies who would like to participate!....Starting in January 2015, each lady will be given one month. On your month, you can choose whatever quilt block design you wish & each lady will be asked to make 4 quilt blocks in your design!....You will send them to me & I will send the pile of 48 quilt blocks off to her & she will then have enough to make a fabulous quilt for herself! So throughout the year we each will end up with 48 quilt blocks!.....
Now the ladies participating will be all over the country!.....& I even have one friend in Australia who I am hoping will also be involved!....Please let me know if you are interested, so I can begin to assemble our "quilting group"!!!.....
If you also have a friend that might be interested, please ask her to join us too!...& let me know! However, we do need ladies who will be responsible & take this seriously, so we all end up with a lovely quilt!.....
If you are interested in participating please e-mail me with your actual address....or if you have any questions please feel free to ask me!.....As soon as I have a group of 12, I will send out a detailed information sheet!......
This is a modern version of a "Quilting Bee"!!...I so hope you will want to join me!....
Looking forward to hearing back from you all!......Your friend, Heidi XO