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Announcing "Our Modern Quilting Bee"!!!.....Interested Ladies Needed!!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

 I love quilts!.....I love their history, their cozy-ness & their practical beauty!.....and I am always wanting to make them!....So last week when my daughter told me about this super fun quilting idea, I jumped at the chance to get a group of us together to create quilts! Here is how it works!

  I am looking for a group of 12 ladies who would like to participate!....Starting in January 2015, each lady will be given one month. On your month, you can choose whatever quilt block design you wish & each lady will be asked to make 4 quilt blocks in your design!....You will send them to me & I will send the pile of 48 quilt blocks off to her & she will then have enough to make a fabulous quilt for herself! So throughout the year we each will end up with 48 quilt blocks!.....

  Now the ladies participating will be all over the country!.....& I even have one friend in Australia who I am hoping will also be involved!....Please let me know if you are interested, so I can begin to assemble our "quilting group"!!!.....

   If you also have a friend that might be interested, please ask her to join us too!...& let me know! However, we do need ladies who will be responsible & take this seriously, so we all end up with a lovely quilt!.....

   If you are interested in participating please e-mail me with your actual address....or if you have any questions please feel free to ask me!.....As soon as I have a group of 12, I will send out a detailed information sheet!......

  This is a modern version of a "Quilting Bee"!!...I so hope you will want to join me!....

Looking forward to hearing back from you all!......Your friend, Heidi XO

"Summer....Autumn...& a Baby Girl"......

Saturday, September 13, 2014

It has been such a long time since my last post?...Not sure what happened, but time definitely got away from me!......I have so enjoyed reading many of your blogs, but have neglected mine terribly!....
Let's see.....our Summer was a wonderful one!.....lots of warm days, long walks & time spent in the swimming pool!....A wonderful July 4th with all the family, & extended visits with our oldest grandson Andrew throughout the summer!.....
I had grandiose ideas of a self sustainable garden, which ended up falling quite short of my expectations!.....The temps got so warm, that even with continual watering, most of my efforts turned  dry & unproductive?.....Oh well, such is nature..I did learn a lot & will try again next year!...Right now the garden has been cleaned up & is quite tidy..& I am just fine with taking a break from it! :)
I am thrilled to welcome in September & Autumn!....I am so very fond of this time of year!....
Also news that our oldest daughter Holly is expecting a baby girl in January!.....after two sweet grandsons, a tiny granddaughter will be wonderful!....
I look forward to posting more of our life here at The Homestead & sharing our day to day happenings again very soon!
Thank you for stopping by!
Your friend, Heidi XO



Saturday, March 22, 2014



and more Daffodils......
“I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze
W. Wordsworth

"Shirley Temple".......

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

This morning I got woke up to the news that Shirley Temple had passed away.....
& it made me so sad.
   You see my mother is the same age as Shirley Temple, & was one of her biggest fans!.....As a little girl my mother saw every one of her films, had some of her books & wore some of the clothes that were offered at the local department stores!.....especially a pair of silk pajamas given to her by some doting friends of her parents!
   My mother you see was an only child leaving on a farm in the early 30's, so the movies & dolls & books of Shirley Temple were just thrilling to her!
   When I was a little girl, we also watched Shirley's movies & I loved this adorable little girl as well!...listening as my mom would recall how Shirley went from little girl to pre-teen to teenager, which unfortunately the audience did not really embrace, opting rather for the movies of her childhood...But my mom still loved her as a young adult, siting movies that she remembered & loved.
   I have not talked to my mom yet today, but I am sure it is a bit sad for her too. This darling little girl, that was such an icon of a certain time in our history, is now gone. However through her movies & of course through all she did as a diplomat in her later years, she will be remembered fondly.
   I believe that sometime today, I will pull out one of my Shirley Temple DVD's & watch it once again......& smile at that darling little face, blonde curls & big dimples.....

"My Vintage Valentine Swap" has Begun!".........

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Hello Friends!
I am so happy to say that my "Handmade Christmas Swap 2013" was such a huge success, with many of you asking about a follow-up!
 So with that in mind & with lots of excitement, I am announcing my....
 "Vintage Valentine Swap 2014"!!
For this swap, I am asking you to please sign up from now till Wednesday, January 15th.....
I will assign partners on Thursday, January 16th.....
and you will have till Friday/Saturday, January 24-25 to send your partner's swap box off!
If you would like to join me, please know you are to send your partner a lovely box, filled with Valentine's treasures!...Some items should be "homemade", some "vintage" & maybe something "new"!
Use your imagination to create a charming box that has been put together in a beautiful way!...remember to send a box that you would love to receive!....but with your partner's style & taste!
If you would like to join my "Vintage Valentine Swap 2014", please fill out the Information Sheet below & e-mail it to me at!
Thank you so much!...Your friend, Heidi XO
Information Sheet:
e-mail address:
colors you prefer for Valentines:
favorite magazines:
favorite desserts/confections:
favorite scents of candles:

"From Wood Pile to Wall"........

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

This morning, while picking up, I decided the wall behind my family room end tables, looked a bit too bland. The wall is white....the lampshades, white.....just a tad boring.....
    Remembering I had a pile of old fence boards in the garden area, I took a trip out there, brought in a couple boards & propped them up against the wall?.....O.K.....not bad?
    Another trip to snatch a few more & it was decided!...the boards are going up!
    I dragged in the ladder, some nails & a few minutes later....I am loving the results!
    The wall has such character now.....the quilt now looks even better & my lampshades are just fine!....
    One 1/2 money.....& one very charming family room!...
Off to vacuum!......Heidi XO

"What a Difference a Year Makes"......

Sunday, January 5, 2014

My daughter Holly, one year ago.......
 And grandson Declan, 1 year old & at his darling first birthday party!
A wonderful photo of all the cousins!.....My particular favorites, are my two grandsons pictured at the right.....the handsome & kind Andrew (9 1/2) & the adorable whirlwind that is Declan (1 year) sitting on his lap!......
I think their cousin Sammy agrees with me!...she won't let Andrew go!...Keeps trying to hug him!...
Happy Birthday Declan!
Love, Nini XO

"A Different Kind of Christmas"......

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year to all of you!......

     I haven't posted for quite some time, but feel the need to actually get started being a good blogger once again!....I think 2014 will be quite promising for blogging!...
     I have so enjoyed reading many of your lovely blog posts these past few weeks!....glimpsing into  your homes & activities over the holidays, seeing how you celebrate the holiday season!....It inspired me so very much!
     I have to admit this year was a bit challenging for me ( & my husband!)....It was the first time in 30 years, not since our 1st Christmas together that my husband & I woke on Christmas morning to a very quiet house.....without any of our children or grandchildren here.
     I worried about this for some time & even had a bit of a "breakdown" one afternoon.....crying & trying to explain my feelings of sadness to my poor husband. He listened, explaining to me that it is a transition for both of us.....he was very sweet!.....He then told me to stop sewing ( I was still filling many pillow orders from my etsy shop??)....that he would help me bring in some of the boxes of decorations...we would turn on some Christmas carols.....& take one hour & just decorate one side table in our living room!.....
    Well I listened & did exactly what he had no time at all, I was so much happier & felt much better about the whole situation!....
    A few days later, Christmas morning I made coffee & cranberry bread..... my husband was off wrapping presents?...nothing like the last minute, but somehow it was O.K.....As he walked into the living room with his arms full of tiny wrapped gifts, & a Trader Joe's bag being used as a stocking, handles tied with festive ribbon, I realized how very blessed I am...& spending Christmas morning with just him, was indeed a gift too. I was happy.....
    I hope you all had the Christmas of your dreams....& in case you're Christmas morning was a little more like mine...I hope you too found it to be special, sweet & memorable.
   Your friend...Heidi XO

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