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Friday, June 17, 2016

I have not written for ages on this blog of mine, but for some reason I felt I might like to once again. 

When I began my blog, I had a houseful of people living  at our "then" house....two daughters, one grandson, my husband & lots of dogs & cats as well. Life was busy. We had just moved back to California from rural New York, & we had a big new house, lots of eagerness to get back to working as a decorator, not to mention putting together our own home after a cross country move. 

   As time passed we realized our life was changing a bit too?.....Our family life was wonderful, but the economy was changing, & in particular the housing market as a whole. Both my husband's appraisal business & my own decor business were affected greatly. Before long we realized we could no longer afford to keep our home, which had decreased in value to almost 1/2 of what we had bought it for, so not wanting to completely use up our savings we decided to sell, & because it ended up being a short sale, our financial situation was turned upside down as well.

    For  the next three years we downsized greatly, & became renters for the first time in our lives....but life was just fine. Maybe less money, but our family was healthy & blessed just the same.

    After a few years, we were yearning  again to be homeowners & even though money was tight we decided to purchase a fixer-upper in a small rural town about an hour outside of San Diego. And even though the house is dated & we have lots of projects we would love to take on eventually, purchasing this home & moving to the country has made us very happy.

   Also during this time, our home has become a bit more quiet. Our oldest daughter met & married a wonderful man, moving out with our grandson Andrew to make her own home... since then having two more children, with her 4th due in about a month. Our younger daughter also met & got married a great guy & also is expecting a baby any day, their first little girl.

   We also went from 3 big dogs & lots of cats, down to one cat, Maxx?.....Did I mention how quiet the house has become....

   We have lived in our home now 3 years. We have gone through lots of changes, which I have to admit took some getting used to, & to be honest. many good cries. It actually was very difficult for me. To go have a houseful of people, lots of work & sufficient quite the opposite proved to be a challenge for me......The empty nest syndrome hit hard.

   Through it all though, I have come out the other end. Money is still tight, with both my husband & I working hard, but working hard at jobs we do enjoy....Our home is still in need of a many improvements, but we have made it very charming taking on easy projects we can do ourselves. Our children & grandchildren are doing well......& God willing we are all happy & healthy. Life is good.

   I believe the reason I wrote this "novel" today, was to begin fresh...a clean slate.  I felt I needed to clear the air, so I can go forward in a positive, productive manner. There is life to live & adventures to be had...& projects to tackle!....Hope you will come along with me.....Your friend, Heidi XO

Loving it or Laziness???

Friday, January 8, 2016

O.K. friends, please tell me I am not alone! It is Friday morning on the 8th day of January, & my Christmas decorations are all still up?....Are any of you in the same situation? Please say yes!

Living in Southern California, we rarely have stormy, wintery weather, but this year is different! Fabulous rain & cold temps & blustery-ness all around our little town & I LOVE it! in turn I have kept everything holiday up!  If we had warm, sunny days I may have felt differently, but not this year! I am totally loving all the sweet sparkle & twinkling lights! So it all remains!

Maybe this weekend I will get motivated & drag the bins from the barn & remove all the loveliness, but then again I have birthday gifts for my grandbabies 1st & 3rd birthdays to finish & cookies to bake!
So I may get to it?...or I might enjoy it all for a few more days! 

Happy New Year!......heidi xo

A Quiet Sunday.....

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Sunday, December 27th

Good Morning from The Homestead. 
It is Sunday morning,.... quiet, cold & very Christmas-y. After days of preparation & wonderful festivities, I am so looking forward to a peaceful Sunday. A little puttering around the house, possibly a long walk.....but mostly just appreciating this holiday week that is upon us. With unseasonably cold weather here in California, it allows us to not rush from the holidays straight back to the everyday, instead really enjoying the coziness of the season!....I have Holiday Inn & White Christmas to watch that I just didn't get to before Christmas, & a drive out to Coronado to see The Hotel Del's beautiful tree later this week, along with more family & friends arriving in a few days. Today though is all about slowing down, appreciating the calmness & thanking God for all the beauty & blessings of this season.
Merry Christmas from our home to yours!

Miss Mustard Seed's Milk Paint is FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 20, 2015

If you love the chippy, worn look of vintage pieces of furniture, as much as I do, then you will LOVE the line of milk paint from Marian @ Miss Mustard Seed!......

 I have painted furniture, rooms & such for years...but had never tried milk paint. I have always wanted that fabulously "farmhouse-y" look, but found it almost impossible to achieve with latex paint!.....So I was looking into chalk paint......Annie Sloan.... & The Junk Gypsy's line as well. Well as it turns out Annie Sloan paint, which you need to purchase through her "stockists" was virtually impossible to buy here in Southern California & quite expensive. So  being a huge fan of Great American Country's Junk Gypsy's, I went to their website, but for some reason the computer wasn't cooperating & I could not make my purchase?.....

 Being quite frustrated, I suddenly remembered Miss Mustard Seed's milk paint, & went right over to her blog to find out more about it!...Well not only does MMS have a fabulous array of colors, she also has videos that explain every step!...& she makes it all very, very simple!....I realized you could easily purchase the paint on amazon, or many shops on etsy also carry it, along with all the brushes, waxes, etc!....

Yesterday I painted our guest bathroom cabinet, which is a standard boring brown built-in from the late 1970's. There is no just mix up the paint.....apply it to the cabinet....let it dry....distress the edges & corners to your desired taste...& then brush on MMS wax!.......OMGoodness, It turned out incredibly well!.....My old boring cabinet now has that old, slightly beat-up look I love!.....I did it in MMS "typewriter" so it is black with the old brown coming through where I distressed it!.....& with the wax, the entire cabinet has an elegantly old look to it!.....Thank you Miss Mustard Seed!......
    I am now off to the hardware store to purchase some rugged galvanized handles, which I cannot wait to add to the piece!.....
    I cannot wait to paint another piece here in my home!...Maybe the hallway cabinet?......but whatever I choose will be done with milk paint from MMS!!!....

Happy Painting!.....Heidi XO

News from "The Homestead".......

Monday, May 11, 2015


Good Morning Friends, "Greetings from The Homestead!"
It seems that my last blog entry was before Christmas & now it is May??....How can that be?

.January brought the arrival of our first granddaughter, the sweet little Miss Ailey!.....a darling baby in every way, temperament, appetite & so darn pretty!......
 She is a joyful addition to our family!.....Joining her big brothers, Andrew ( almost 11) & Declan (2)

Then as we were just catching our breath, it was time to prepare for our younger daughter Mallory's wedding!...The wedding/reception took place here at our home/barn/yard & turned out to be a very magical evening!.....Relaxed & casual & an evening we all will remember fondly!....

So now life is happily getting back to normal.....projects around the house, getting the garden planted....making jam, & at the same time lace curtains for the dining room! I do love lace curtains!....

So far 2015 has been a year of blessings!....I hope it has been for you all as well!



Saturday, January 3, 2015

A Little Announcement!...

For the next week, today till Saturday, January etsy shop, Heidi Devlin Design will be offering all my Christmas pillows & glittery snowballs & charming hand painted candy canes for 20% off!....
This is a first for me, but thought once a year it might be nice to have a great sale!...

All of my pillows are "hand stenciled" & are beautifully made!...

Now is your chance to get the most darling holiday pillows & decor at a great savings!....

I invite you to come take a look!....

Thank you!

"A New Year"......

Thursday, January 1, 2015

January 1st, 2015.....

It was a lovely Christmas here at The Homestead...quiet & calm & very chilly.......Everything this year was done a bit more simply than years before, but seemed just as sweet & special......There are years with big celebrations & others that are less so, with each having a certain loveliness to enjoy....The house looked so pretty & the food we prepared was amazing....

Today I am taking down & tucking away Christmas.....creating a clean slate for this brand new year....I look forward to our granddaughter making her debut in a few days....a wedding in the Spring...& hope for a year filled with hard work, good health & friends & family.....

Happy New Year!

Thanks for visiting.....


Announcing "Our Modern Quilting Bee"!!!.....Interested Ladies Needed!!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

 I love quilts!.....I love their history, their cozy-ness & their practical beauty!.....and I am always wanting to make them!....So last week when my daughter told me about this super fun quilting idea, I jumped at the chance to get a group of us together to create quilts! Here is how it works!

  I am looking for a group of 12 ladies who would like to participate!....Starting in January 2015, each lady will be given one month. On your month, you can choose whatever quilt block design you wish & each lady will be asked to make 4 quilt blocks in your design!....You will send them to me & I will send the pile of 48 quilt blocks off to her & she will then have enough to make a fabulous quilt for herself! So throughout the year we each will end up with 48 quilt blocks!.....

  Now the ladies participating will be all over the country!.....& I even have one friend in Australia who I am hoping will also be involved!....Please let me know if you are interested, so I can begin to assemble our "quilting group"!!!.....

   If you also have a friend that might be interested, please ask her to join us too!...& let me know! However, we do need ladies who will be responsible & take this seriously, so we all end up with a lovely quilt!.....

   If you are interested in participating please e-mail me with your actual address....or if you have any questions please feel free to ask me!.....As soon as I have a group of 12, I will send out a detailed information sheet!......

  This is a modern version of a "Quilting Bee"!!...I so hope you will want to join me!....

Looking forward to hearing back from you all!......Your friend, Heidi XO

"Summer....Autumn...& a Baby Girl"......

Saturday, September 13, 2014

It has been such a long time since my last post?...Not sure what happened, but time definitely got away from me!......I have so enjoyed reading many of your blogs, but have neglected mine terribly!....
Let's see.....our Summer was a wonderful one!.....lots of warm days, long walks & time spent in the swimming pool!....A wonderful July 4th with all the family, & extended visits with our oldest grandson Andrew throughout the summer!.....
I had grandiose ideas of a self sustainable garden, which ended up falling quite short of my expectations!.....The temps got so warm, that even with continual watering, most of my efforts turned  dry & unproductive?.....Oh well, such is nature..I did learn a lot & will try again next year!...Right now the garden has been cleaned up & is quite tidy..& I am just fine with taking a break from it! :)
I am thrilled to welcome in September & Autumn!....I am so very fond of this time of year!....
Also news that our oldest daughter Holly is expecting a baby girl in January!.....after two sweet grandsons, a tiny granddaughter will be wonderful!....
I look forward to posting more of our life here at The Homestead & sharing our day to day happenings again very soon!
Thank you for stopping by!
Your friend, Heidi XO



Saturday, March 22, 2014



and more Daffodils......
“I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze
W. Wordsworth

"Shirley Temple".......

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

This morning I got woke up to the news that Shirley Temple had passed away.....
& it made me so sad.
   You see my mother is the same age as Shirley Temple, & was one of her biggest fans!.....As a little girl my mother saw every one of her films, had some of her books & wore some of the clothes that were offered at the local department stores!.....especially a pair of silk pajamas given to her by some doting friends of her parents!
   My mother you see was an only child leaving on a farm in the early 30's, so the movies & dolls & books of Shirley Temple were just thrilling to her!
   When I was a little girl, we also watched Shirley's movies & I loved this adorable little girl as well!...listening as my mom would recall how Shirley went from little girl to pre-teen to teenager, which unfortunately the audience did not really embrace, opting rather for the movies of her childhood...But my mom still loved her as a young adult, siting movies that she remembered & loved.
   I have not talked to my mom yet today, but I am sure it is a bit sad for her too. This darling little girl, that was such an icon of a certain time in our history, is now gone. However through her movies & of course through all she did as a diplomat in her later years, she will be remembered fondly.
   I believe that sometime today, I will pull out one of my Shirley Temple DVD's & watch it once again......& smile at that darling little face, blonde curls & big dimples.....

"My Vintage Valentine Swap" has Begun!".........

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Hello Friends!
I am so happy to say that my "Handmade Christmas Swap 2013" was such a huge success, with many of you asking about a follow-up!
 So with that in mind & with lots of excitement, I am announcing my....
 "Vintage Valentine Swap 2014"!!
For this swap, I am asking you to please sign up from now till Wednesday, January 15th.....
I will assign partners on Thursday, January 16th.....
and you will have till Friday/Saturday, January 24-25 to send your partner's swap box off!
If you would like to join me, please know you are to send your partner a lovely box, filled with Valentine's treasures!...Some items should be "homemade", some "vintage" & maybe something "new"!
Use your imagination to create a charming box that has been put together in a beautiful way!...remember to send a box that you would love to receive!....but with your partner's style & taste!
If you would like to join my "Vintage Valentine Swap 2014", please fill out the Information Sheet below & e-mail it to me at!
Thank you so much!...Your friend, Heidi XO
Information Sheet:
e-mail address:
colors you prefer for Valentines:
favorite magazines:
favorite desserts/confections:
favorite scents of candles:

"From Wood Pile to Wall"........

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

This morning, while picking up, I decided the wall behind my family room end tables, looked a bit too bland. The wall is white....the lampshades, white.....just a tad boring.....
    Remembering I had a pile of old fence boards in the garden area, I took a trip out there, brought in a couple boards & propped them up against the wall?.....O.K.....not bad?
    Another trip to snatch a few more & it was decided!...the boards are going up!
    I dragged in the ladder, some nails & a few minutes later....I am loving the results!
    The wall has such character now.....the quilt now looks even better & my lampshades are just fine!....
    One 1/2 money.....& one very charming family room!...
Off to vacuum!......Heidi XO

"What a Difference a Year Makes"......

Sunday, January 5, 2014

My daughter Holly, one year ago.......
 And grandson Declan, 1 year old & at his darling first birthday party!
A wonderful photo of all the cousins!.....My particular favorites, are my two grandsons pictured at the right.....the handsome & kind Andrew (9 1/2) & the adorable whirlwind that is Declan (1 year) sitting on his lap!......
I think their cousin Sammy agrees with me!...she won't let Andrew go!...Keeps trying to hug him!...
Happy Birthday Declan!
Love, Nini XO

"A Different Kind of Christmas"......

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year to all of you!......

     I haven't posted for quite some time, but feel the need to actually get started being a good blogger once again!....I think 2014 will be quite promising for blogging!...
     I have so enjoyed reading many of your lovely blog posts these past few weeks!....glimpsing into  your homes & activities over the holidays, seeing how you celebrate the holiday season!....It inspired me so very much!
     I have to admit this year was a bit challenging for me ( & my husband!)....It was the first time in 30 years, not since our 1st Christmas together that my husband & I woke on Christmas morning to a very quiet house.....without any of our children or grandchildren here.
     I worried about this for some time & even had a bit of a "breakdown" one afternoon.....crying & trying to explain my feelings of sadness to my poor husband. He listened, explaining to me that it is a transition for both of us.....he was very sweet!.....He then told me to stop sewing ( I was still filling many pillow orders from my etsy shop??)....that he would help me bring in some of the boxes of decorations...we would turn on some Christmas carols.....& take one hour & just decorate one side table in our living room!.....
    Well I listened & did exactly what he had no time at all, I was so much happier & felt much better about the whole situation!....
    A few days later, Christmas morning I made coffee & cranberry bread..... my husband was off wrapping presents?...nothing like the last minute, but somehow it was O.K.....As he walked into the living room with his arms full of tiny wrapped gifts, & a Trader Joe's bag being used as a stocking, handles tied with festive ribbon, I realized how very blessed I am...& spending Christmas morning with just him, was indeed a gift too. I was happy.....
    I hope you all had the Christmas of your dreams....& in case you're Christmas morning was a little more like mine...I hope you too found it to be special, sweet & memorable.
   Your friend...Heidi XO

"Our Declan"......

Thursday, November 21, 2013

 Declan is my youngest grandson......turning 1 on New Year's Day.
A "smile-ier" child you will never meet!.....
Almost always in a great mood....
Almost always into something.....
 Almost always putting anything in his mouth....

 He looks like his mother.....
Has his Dad's coloring.....
And is his brother's pride & joy.....

He is "Our Declan".....

Announcing My Annual.... "Heidi's Homemade Christmas Swap"....

Sunday, November 3, 2013

It is that wonderful time of year once again, when we all began preparing and planning for the holidays!....
And for me that includes my annual "Heidi's Homemade Christmas Swap"!
Now I know that some of you are a bit hesitant to sign up for a swap, but I have to say that I have been hosting this swap for quite a few years now, and have met such wonderful friends, whom I enjoy blogging with on a regular basis!....I believe most of the ladies are tried and true fabulous swappers! So I very much hope you will sign up and join me in an old-fashioned  holiday tradition!
So this is how it will all work.....
* You can sign up, by e-mailing me at,  from now until Saturday, November 16th, saying you would like to participate!...and be sure and fill out and e-mail me the information at the bottom of this post!
* You will need to send off your partner's swap box, no later than Saturday, November 30th
* You will need to create a fabulous swap box, for your assigned partner, which will include little, nicely made, vintage and/or homemade treasures!....Be sure and include pretty items that suit your partner's "holiday style/taste" and that you would love to receive!....approx. limit $25-30
Here are a few ideas...
* family recipes
* little old books
* decorations
* home décor
* candles
*edible treats
( make sure they have the appropriate shelf life!)
*vintage craft items
* gardening items
I so hope you will make my "Heidi's Homemade Christmas Swap" one of your holiday traditions!
Let me know if you have any questions!
Your friend,
Information Sheet:
E-mail address:
Blog ( if you have one)
Pinterest ( if you enjoy it!)
Christmas color preferences:
Christmas style:
Favorite magazines:
Favorite kind of ornaments:
Do you like glitter?:
Favorite candle scents:
Food restrictions:
( gluten free/low sugar, vegan)

Jeanne Oliver's "Creatively Made Home....Home for the Holidays".....

Thursday, October 24, 2013

A few weeks ago I signed up for an amazing on-line class called....

 "Creatively Made Home...Home for the Holidays"!......
     The idea came from the very talented Jeanne Oliver. Jeanne came up with the idea to feature a group of inspiring women, who love decorating, crafting, cooking and entertaining....and present their individual ideas, tips and philosophies about the holidays, all together in this 3 week series of on-line classes!.....
Jeanne's feeling is to show us all how to focus on having a stress free holiday, where the emphasis is "home made" but not perfection. Slowing down and taking time to make the holidays lovely, but leaving the unrealistic expectations at the door....Something many of us strive for!
Well the classes began last week, and will continue through next week, however you will be able to enjoy all the information presented for up to two years time!....
Even though the classes have begun, you can still sign up! Many of the projects are ones you can do for the holidays or anytime throughout the year....all the ideas are very adaptable!
The classes are available through Jeanne's website...."Jeanne Oliver Creative Network"
You must go check this out!! You will be so happy you did!

your friend.....



Wednesday, October 23, 2013

 This morning I awoke early......It is quiet, misty & still quite dark.....but I am awake & thinking. Have you had those mornings?.....Thinking about the plans for the day. Thinking about the holidays. Thinking about getting the winter garden planted......
I am not stressing, just thinking.....mulling over ideas in the early morning.
 With moving to the country, we are at home much of the time. I find myself rediscovering my kitchen,....baking, canning & basically cooking constantly. I also am much more caught up with my pillow business....& there is not a day that goes by without some little corner of my home being fussed with, décor-wise......
These are the areas that I am forever "thinking" about.
For me, spending time at home.....thinking about all the aspects of home, feels right. I love having time to consider, to dream & to learn......about my home & myself.
So in the still of this morning, I am preparing a cup of tea & doing just that.....
wishing you a day of happy thoughts!

"A Little Halloween Sale".......

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

wicked pillow
Hi Friends, Hope you all are doing well!.....
A little note to let you all know that these very charming Halloween pillows are now on sale!.....Come visit me at my etsy shop Heidi Devlin Design & use the discount coupon HALLOWEEN2013 & you will save 20%!....
pillows usually $36, now only $29.50!!
Come over & see!
I would love to create any of these designs just for you!
Many Thanks!
BOO pillow

Spider pillow

skeleton pillow

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