The time has come to once again take a departure from what I love to write about, decorating, sewing, recipes, etc. Some of you will agree & some of you will not, but I simply cannot be silent a minute longer.
What comes to mind this evening, is what our "Founding Fathers" would be thinking about concerning the direction this country is going?....We are slowly, or maybe not so slowly, erroding the very principles that have always defined our country, the most inportant being "our freedom". If we remain silent, "quietly & politely diagreeing" with what & where this administration is taking us, we will soon be awakening to a America that we not only do not recognize, but one that is irreversibly ruined forever. President Obama & many of our Democratic leaders somehow think that "government" needs to control us all....our "money, our businesses & now are health care"???.... Since our President has taken office he has done absolutely nothing except "increase spending" & sink us deeper & deeper into debt!....Now please don't bother e-mailing me, telling me it is all President Bushes fault!!....Certainly the previous administration shares the blame,...but since January 20th, 2009, President Obama has done just fine taking this country down all by his "liberal self"!
And now the President's "National Healthcare Bill" is the next thing that is looming ahead of us!...The Democrats are trying to push this through in a matter of weeks!..... before many Americans wake up to just how dangerous this bill will be to this country & to it's citizens!....First of all, it is just another way to spend trillions of dollars this country simply does not have!....Just think how we are leveraging our children's future!
Now I know health care is expensive, but there must be a better way than turning it over to the Federal government!....Imagine sitting at a doctor's office that runs the same way at the DMV??? Imagine the goverment deciding who gets what care?....Pay attention to the horror stories you hear about in countries with government-run health care!...An English woman we know, was diagnosed a couple years ago with a brain tumor. She happened to be in her early 50's & in good health otherwise, however the British government decided she was over 50 & a bad risk!!??? So they denied her care!?...She & her husband chose to come to the U.S. looking for private medical help & found it. She is alive & doing wonderfully. Fortunately, she & her husband were able to afford to do this, but what if you couldn't????....We've all heard stories of patients having to wait months & months to get an operation, getting more & more ill, while they wait & wait & wait for care???....Does this make sense to anyone??....
President Obama makes it sound like you have choices?....but in truth, private health coverage will become so outrageously expensive that only the very rich will be able to have options!...More & more people will have no other choice than surrender to national health care!.....allowing the federal goverment to know just that much more personal information about each & every one of us!.....
As far as I'm concerned, if members of the "House or Senate" vote "for" this national health care bill than they should have to participate too!...Afterall, if they feel this is a wonderful opportunity for our country & each of us, than shouldn't it be great for them too?....Hmmm?....Do you truly think Biden will be taking advantage of national health care??? about Ted Kennedy?? And how about the person who has sung it's praises from day one, President Obama?......Well, when asked a few days ago, if he "The President" would take part in "his" National Health Care Program".....our President responded by saying "that if his wife or children were ever seriously ill, he would want the "very best health care" for them, so "NO" he wouldn't be participating???????......Can you believe that!!???............."National Health Care" is good for all of us, but not good enough for the leaders of this country, the very individuals who designed it?......
So once again, I ask myself, "What Would Our Founding Fathers Think"??....I'm fairly sure they would be very disappointed & very sad. However, I also think they would be "fighting"..."fighting against big government" & "fighting for freedom" & "fighting mad"! They would be standing up & voicing their opinions, not sitting back accepting what some think is the inevitable!......AND SO SHOULD WE!.....America is "our country"..."the people's country"!....not the poiliticians!.....Get informed, get involved & make our "Founding Fathers proud"!