"Nini-Andrew Nights".......
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Even though we all live under one roof, sometimes it is rare to have this "one-on-one" time. And for Andrew & I it has been awhile. He has "guy nights" with Papa ( my husband), fun outings with his Auntie "NumNum", (my daughter Mallory),..... & lots of time with myself, my daughter Holly & I...but not too much with just Andrew & "Nini" (me).
This evening we had strict instructions from mom, to make sure I had Andrew in bed on time, something that proves a bit difficult to achieve when dinner, showering & reading stories is on the agenda.
We sat down to a simple meal of macaroni & cheese, bread & butter triangles & orange slices....along with a tiny bowl of peanut-butter cup ice cream. I insisted sitting at the kitchen table, since we have been working hard on learning good manners. Even though sitting in front of the T.V, would have been Andrew's choice,.... once I mentioned setting the table, he was all about it!....Soon place-mats had been retrieved, napkins were folded & milk was served in tall water goblets......and oh! what deliciously good manners & conversation we had!
We discussed the movie " Matilda", & made plans for eating pizza & watching it on Friday night. We talked about how much we both love Parmesan cheese & how it elevates Kraft macaroni to a whole new level!....and we discussed how some children don't believe in Santa Claus, a direct result of discussing the premise of "Miracle on 34th Street". We both agreed it was the silliest of notions!.....no Santa?....please?.....and we debated the reasons we both love gardening while mommy just doesn't understand our need to get our hands dirty.
We had the nicest dinner, just the two of us, chatting & eating. During the meal, I happened to mention that when my daughter begins nursing school, sometime next year..... we will have lots of "Nini-Andrew Nights"......Andrew finished chewing his food, ....looked up at me, smiled & sweetly said...
"I love Nini-Andrew Nights"!.....I smiled back & said....."me too".
Heidi XO
Oh I love this...so glad you got to spend time with him one on one. And, what a little cutie he is!
What a tresure! Spent last night taking our oldest grandson out to dinner before he leaves for his first year of college! Just seems like last year he was Andrew's age!
This brings tears to my eyes- so sweet, Heidi! What precious memories you are making for both of you.:) He is darling and so are you!;) Lori
Oh Heidi, how cute your Andrew is!! What a great time you two had! What great memories you two will have as he grows older. Have a great weekend!
I have two granddaughters and these one-on-one times are priceless for sure. He sure sounds like a doll!
What a wonderful night you must have had:) My grandson is now almost 18 but we still have our week ends together now and then. Not as often as I'd like, but enough to keep me happy. He's a love as is my granddaughter.
Heidi, this was the sweetest post. I would love to have time with my grands one on one. They all live far from me. When we do have time together they are all here so one on one just doesn't happen. I will say I am very close to them all the same.
What a handsome little guy.
Have a great weekend.
Hugs, Jeanne
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