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"The Charm of Painted Cabinets"......

Friday, January 28, 2011

Since a very young age, I have been attracted to "antique cabinets". They could be large impressive pieces of furniture,.... or small wall cabinets tucked in a corner of the room.
They could be dark polished wood, or primitive time worn pieces, but the cabinets I adore most are the "painted" ones!......

Of course my own taste sends me in the direction of "colonial blues & gray-greens", ...but lately I am considering some slightly unusual combinations as well!....."Leaf green with a raspberry interior", so perfect filled with a collection of pure white ironstone pitchers!....
r possibly a cabinet painted "pussy-willow gray with a French vanilla interior"!....can you imagine how beautiful anything "silver" would be placed in such a piece!

The possibilities are simply endless!.....Choosing classic shades of whites, blacks or browns lend a clean, classic feel...always appropriate, always beautiful.

But throwing caution to the wind & making a painted cupboard "pop to attention" with a fabulous color is something we all should consider!,... especially at this time of year when we might need a little color inspiration!

So with this all in mind, I am wandering the house,.... looking at each piece I own, trying to imagine it dressed in a pretty new color!....

I invite you to do the same!.....

Would love to hear what you come up with for your "painted cupboard"!.....

Happy Decorating!



"Good Morning.....A Busy Day"

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Good Morning Friends,
This so far has been one busy week!....And today is no different!.....The coffee is made, a quick chat with my girls, with my husband occasionally joining our "coffee clatch"!......Then bed making,..... a shower/make-up/hair.....& then off to a dear friend's house for a decorating appointment. Back home to work on lots of Etsy pillow orders this afternoon & then preparing meatloaf & Paula potatoes! ( simply divine!) A dinner I will serve buffet-style, from the stove top, everything piping hot, with a large stack of white plates & napkins placed close by.
Tonight we have different schedules,.... boyfriends joining us, & "open door" policy is in full swing!
*definintion of "open door policy": new idea I am trying to put into action here at the house; delicious food prepared, house fairly picked up, & ready for whoever & whenever friends & family happen to join us each evening.

I will bet your day is fairly similar!.....



"New Designs" at Heidi Devlin Design!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I have been so busy designing & creating lots of new designs for my etsy shop,
"Heidi Devlin Design"!!....

Among them is my sweet "cozy winter" pillow......

my typographic "at" pillow,..... clean & classic!

& the perfect pillow for Valentines Day, "us" pillow!

All are available now!.....

& each would just love a "new home" at your house!
Enjoy your day!.......



"Inspired Aspirations"......

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

O.K. I'll admit it. I just finished taking down my Christmas tree.
Now most of my other decorations are put away....
let me clarify....
All my holiday things have been taken down & are now sitting on my big dining kitchen be packed away sometime in the near future?
Can't say for sure it will be today.

So even though I still have "Christmas baubles & bobs" to attend mind is thinking about new projects!... ideas for the garden & for a quilt!

Over the the last couple of weeks I have been thumbing through some of my beautiful books & have become so inspired!.....Inspired over quilt designs...& inspired to plant a winter garden!.....
I have purchased sweet pea seeds, 2 raspberry plants, winter lettuce, spinach & onions & shallots, & even a new pair of gardening gloves!....
I am ready!
On the quilting front, the same kind of enthusiasm is being put into color, pattern & fabric choices!

I believe it is good for the soul, for us each to take on a new project or two at the beginning of a new year.
It allows you to learn, to be challenged, to be frightened.....

It takes you out of your comfort zone & in turn allows growth.

So I am off now to finish putting away my holiday decorations of 2010,..... maybe.
And then it's all about a new quilt,.... a new garden.....& lots of of possibilities for 2011.



The Last Twelve Days.....

Monday, January 3, 2011

The last 12 days have been filled with very "thankful highs",... along with some very, very "worried-out-of-your-mind lows".

All is looking up this afternoon.....prayers are being answered.

It's interesting how "child-like" you become,... yet how very "grown-up" you need to be when your mother is sick, hurt or compromised in any way.

Our mother, tonight,.... is thankfully "on the mend",... & will be for some time....

however this evening a "calm" has come over my sister & I.

We can relax tonight.

God is taking care of us all.....

your friend,.....




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