Today it's all about
"The Wedding"!......I was taping it on NBC & BBC from 1:00am on.
However, last night while in bed reading, my husband & I had the coverage on,... but we both fell fast asleep, with lights on & books open on our laps!?.....
Somehow though, I happened to wake just as the British Prime Minister was arriving!......then William,... then the Queen.... & then Kate!....Perfect timing!...
So both my husband & I watched "live", the unveiling of Kate's dress!.....We managed to stay awake long enough to watch her make her way down the aisle with her father & then decided the rest would have to wait till this morning.
At 6:30 we got up, & I made coffee...& then proceeded to the couch to work on pillows & watch the ceremony. Something happened though. I became over-whelmed with how traditionally lovely this wedding was. I stopped working & got cozy...
& simply enjoyed all the
"pomp & circumstance"!
So far it has been the most wonderful Friday!....
a handsome prince,... a beautiful bride....and a palace & carriages!......
Fairy tales do come true!heidi
and this is why we love fairytales. it's the beauty and the tradition that captures us. it's where something out of the ordinary occurs and sparks one's imagination. I loved your post.
LUCKY YOU! I had Hubby home for the day & so I DVR'd the festivities looking forward to watching today when he was gone. Only to find out my DVR might have died. Hope the tech can retrive my recorded treasures. A huge Diana fan... I left a comment on the post below. I LOVED that you wrote that. Charlene
Hi Heidi just wondering if my parcel for the Royal Wedding Swap has arrived with you yet?
what awesome girl that married to prince.
that is so lucky does she
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