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"PInk Saturday......& Babies"

Friday, January 29, 2010

Happy Pink Saturday to all of you!.....Here at our house "babies" are very much on our minds, since my niece, Kylee is expecting a little one in April!...We are all very excited for her & in the midst of planning a shower in a couple weeks! So much fun!.....So this week I thought this darling Anne Geddes photograph was perfectly appropriate for how we are feeling!....Thank you Beverly at "How Sweet The Sound" for hostessing!......Your friend, Heidi XO

Adding Final Touches to February's "Living Little with Heidi"......

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Good Evening Friends, I have been spending the last few days fighting a cold. First my grandson & now me.....However, the upside of this,.... is I've been able to justify "puttering" around the house, "straightening up" a little....."stenciling" a little....& making many, many cups of peppermint tea!....

And I'm also happy to say that I'm putting the final touches on the February issue of my monthly on-line newsletter, "Living Little with Heidi"....I am so enjoying writing this little publication!...& certainly thank all of you who are reading it!.....I definitely feel my message of "living beautifully with less money, less time & in less space" is a timely one.....& one I, along with many of you, experience each day......With so many of our favorite magazines gone, I felt a little seemed like there were very few publications that were speaking to me..... Now let me explain,.... I completely understand that my tiny newsletter is not exactly a "Country Home" or "Home Companion",.... however I do feel it is a "wee voice" that is trying to inspire, instruct and offer a bit of beauty to those of us that share the need for such things. So once again a heartfelt "thank you" for the growing list of ladies asking to receive "LL with Heidi" each & every month!......

I am off now to rustle up a little dinner for the family...& to make yet another cup o' tea....sniffle, sniffle. If you would like to sign up to receive "Living Little with Heidi" please e-mail me at & I will happily add you to my list!.....Enjoy your evening!....Your friend always......Heidi XO

"Beautiful Glass Garden Domes".....

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I know it is a while till Spring is here, however there is one "old-fashioned garden object" that I can enjoy now, while cold temperatures & winter weather still threaten!.... That object is the "Beautiful Glass Garden Dome"!.....Don't you just adore these charming "choches"!

Used originally as "little greenhouses" to protect tiny's "domes" come in a million shapes & sizes & are used by most of us decoratively!....You can place just about anything you would like to spotlight under a dome....Small flower arrangements, lovely old Christmas balls, or as the photo above shows, a darling collection of French linens, all neatly folded & stacked in the dome's glass tower!

And of course domes are certainly still used for various tasks in the garden & greenhouse!....How pretty are these!....Miniature gardens under glass!......

I find decorating with useful items, is a wonderful way to adding interest to our interiors!....Glass domes can be re-purposed from a utilitarian garden object to an imaginative & enchanting decoration!....I encourage you to go out & purchase a couple for yourself!....You will constantly be thinking up new & darling uses for your own glass domes!!.......Gotta run!... I'm off to place a stack of tiny antique garden books under mine own!...Happy decorating!......Heidi XO

"A Few of My Favorite Things"......

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Our cat "Mouse".......

Our grandson, Andrew.....(not in this order of course!)

A "leopard velvet sofa, a quilt & a bit of blue & white toile".......

Our "table at dinnertime"......

And a" pretty burlap pillow".......

Life is good here at our house......I hope the same for all of you!.....Always, Heidi XO

A January "PINK SATURDAY".......

Friday, January 22, 2010

This week our hostess Beverly at "How Sweet The Sound" reminded us all that we are definitely back to posting "pink"!.......Always wanting to make my post somewhat seasonal, I decided this wintery scene was just perfect!!.....Even though not bright pink, it definitely has that "pink hue" that cloudy cold days sometimes have. ........I adore this photo & feel it couldn't be more appropriate for "A January PINK SATURDAY".......Off now to visit all my "pink friends"!......Heidi XO

"A Little Reminder".....

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Good Morning!......Just a little reminder! Today is the last chance to sign up for my
"St. Valentine's Day Homemade Swap"!.....Many of you have already done so, but wanted to make sure I didn't miss anyone!!......Will e-mail partners out tomorrow!!.....
Enjoy your day!....Your friend, Heidi XO

"My New Additions".....

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

"Let Them Be Little " pillow....$24

Good Morning!.....I have been busy at work"creating & sewing & stenciling".... & "creating & sewing & stenciling" & etc....etc. etc!!.....I thought it was high time to add a few, sweet designs for those "little ones" in our lives!....So here are my darling "New Additions"!......First, the "Let Them Be Little" pillow.....A message I feel is so important nowadays!.......As well as the "French Inspired Baby" pillow, which not only has a lovely design, but also a message of "Sweet Dreams My Child, Goodnight", ...written all in French!......which I happen to think is just the loveliest phrase!.....I am so pleased with how they turned out!.....Perfect for the "tiniest child" or "new baby" in your family!......& both available over at my shop, "Heidi Devlin Design"!!

"French Inspired Baby" pillow......$26

"LOVE for YOU"....."HELP for HAITI"......

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hello Friends, I hope you are enjoying your Sunday afternoon. As we look back over this last week, we all have heard of the tragic earthquake that has brought so much destruction to the country of Haiti. A desperately poor country already, this is just one more tragedy the people of Haiti are dealing with. The Haitian people need our help & prayers. Like many of you, we have donated money to rescue agencies, but wanted to also do something on a more personal level.
I have the "most charming pillow" in my shop, "LOVE" pillow. So darling for a Valentine's Day "gift for a friend",.... or to "display" in your own home! I have decided that the "proceeds" from this pillow, will be donated to the "Save The Children's Haiti Relief Fund". Even though this is just a small gesture, every cent makes a difference & could with your help,... add up quickly!....
Please help me raise funds!..You will receive a beautiful pillow, as well as be giving to a very deserving cause....Thank you so much!......Heidi XO

"Pink Madeleines for Pink Saturday"....

Friday, January 15, 2010

A Lovely "Pink Saturday" to you all! .......I came across these charming
"Rose-Water Madeleines" on the Martha Stewart website & thought they were perfect for this week's Pink Saturday post!...tiny shell-shaped spongecakes edged in the palest pink sprinkles!.......Thank you to Beverly @ How Sweet The Sound for hostessing!....And now I am off to visit all of you!......Your Friend, Heidi XO

Rose-Water Madeleines


Makes 20

  • 3/4 cup plus 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 8 tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted butter, melted and room temperature
  • 1 tablespoon rose water
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons sanding sugar
  • Pink powdered food color, any shade
  • Butter-flavored cooking spray


  1. In a medium bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt.
  2. In electric mixer, beat eggs and 1/2 cup granulated sugar on medium until light, 3 to 4 minutes. Beat in vanilla. Fold in flour mixture. Fold in butter. Cover with plastic; chill for 30 minutes.
  3. Meanwhile, heat oven to 425 rack in center. Spray two scallop-shell pans with cooking spray. Use spoon to fill molds three-quarters full. Bake 5 minutes. Reduce heat to 400 degrees. Bake 5 to 8 minutes more, until lightly golden. Immediately tap out madeleines onto a cooling rack. (Let madeleines cool scallop side up to avoid any creases or lines from rack.) Repeat with remaining batter. Let cool.
  4. Make rose-water syrup by combining remaining 1/2 cup granulated sugar with 1/2 cup water in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil, stirring to dissolve sugar; reduce to a simmer, and cook over low heat 2 to 3 minutes to combine. Set aside to cool. When cool, stir in rose water. Set aside.
  5. Place sanding sugar in a small bowl. Use a toothpick to add small amounts of powdered food color to sanding sugar, stirring until you get desired shade of pink.

"Deena's Beautiful Bedroom & Bath"....

Thursday, January 14, 2010

*"Master Bathroom Vanity"....Amazing what mirrors & white roses can do! Instant glamour!

A couple months ago, my dear friend Debbie told me that her daughter Deena was wishing for only one thing for Christmas & her January have me come & "fluff" her master bedroom & bath!.....Now understand that we already had done her upholstered headboard....& she had nice furniture. What she felt was lacking, was the all the "prettiness" that makes a room wrap it's arms around you and allows you to forget the outside world!....& one more thing!... this project had to be done on a budget!!

So in the weeks that followed I came up with a plan & this last Monday, my two daughters, Holly & Mallory & myself went to Deena's house to make it the retreat she was envisioning!...I had lots of help with my business partner Lauren made my vision of of a gallery wall become a reality. My daughter Mallory did all the artwork....& my other daughter Holly helped put it all together, working with me all day long!

*"Deena's nightstand"....A simple black chest dressed out with a crystal lamp/shade from Walmart, vases from IKEA & mirrored accessories from Target!

We finished up around 5:00,.... & called Deena, who wanted this all to be a surprise, somewhat like the reveals on HGTV!.....Deena arrived home to find the loveliest of bedrooms!...As she first entered the room all we heard were squeals of delight & then just "oohs & ahhs"!!....Her mother was thrilled with how the room turned out, as were the rest of us!!!

* The bed looking so inviting with a washable silk coverlet from Target & velvet pillow shams from IKEA!!
Thought you might like to see a few photos Holly took of the finished room!....Very calm & peaceful.....A clean & classic design.....I think we were able to give Deena the bedroom of her dreams .....a beautiful retreat for a busy wife & mother!....

* Here is part of the "gallery wall"...These walls are done when you choose a grouping of random photographs...have them all made into the same size & in black/white & then framed. My friend Lauren framed these all herself, nothing custom here!...Very affordable & very chic!...I also added the IKEA rod & drapery panels which give a nice distinction between the bedroom & the bath.....

And last of all, a large oil painting done by Mallory.....It hangs above a long dresser across from the bed.....It is flanked by a pair of the same crystal lamps used on the nightstands. We also added dark faux wood vases filled with white roses, along with some Target cut-glass candlesticks & mirrored tray!.....A charming still-life......

A Couple "New Additions" in the Shop

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Good Morning Friends, This morning I am "straightening & fluffing" the house!.....which I am very much in the mood for! :).....The last few days I have been stenciling & sewing quite a bit, trying to get some pretty new pillows finished & ready to be posted in my shop,
"Heidi Devlin Design"!......I couldn't resist showing you a couple of my "New Additions"......the "LOVE" pillow & the "you & me" pillow!.....I have been playing around with white paint & a darker burlap & I have to say I am loving it's crisp, classic feel!.....Still "wintery".....but fresh for 2010!....So stop by if you have time today & take a peek!!......Happy Wednesday to you all!!.......Love, Heidi XO

It's Time!.....Heidi's Homemade St. Valentine's Day Swap is Here

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Greetings Friends, Today I would like to announce my "Heidi's Homemade St. Valentine's Day Swap"!!......I just love Valentine's Day,....hearts & flowers & lovely shades of pink & rosy reds!....To adhere to this year's "homemade theme" I am asking you to make up the most beautiful box for your partner!!.....The box should include the following....

* 1-homemade item
* 1- dessert/cookie/confection recipe
* other pretty little items tailored to your partner's particular tastes!

I also think this is the one swap where you can pull out all the stops, make it frilly & feminine & just as incredibly lovely as possible!.....Now remember I suggest you spend only around $15, so our imaginations will be needed to think up some wonderful ideas to make this the most special swap box ever!
And like I have mentioned before....I have tried very hard to make sure anyone who signs up is treated fairly, but I have learned there is only so much I can do....the reality is "all swaps are somewhat of a gamble"!!....I usually have ladies sign up who are responsible & send amazing boxes, but occasionally problems arise, so know that before you sign up!....For me it is a chance I am willing to take!...I have been sent far more lovely swap boxes than not & have met some incredibly sweet ladies who have become my dear friends, so in the end I have a good feeling about swaps!
I would love to have you join me in my "Heidi's Homemade St. Valentine's Day Swap"......Please fill out & send me the following "Information Sheet" & I will sign you right up!.....You have till Wednesday, January 20th to sign up......And I am asking you each to send off your swap boxes no later than January 27th. I will e-mail out partners on January 21st, so you will have approximately 1 week to put together your box.
Ladies I am very excited about this swap & hope to hear from lots of you!...Write me to sign up as soon as possible!......Your friend, Heidi XO

INFORMATION SHEET: ( send to me at
* Name:
* Address:
* E-mail Address:
* Blog Address:
* Valentine Color Preferences: (pink, white, red?)
* Style: ( frilly, simple, country, modern, romantic, bright, descriptive!)
* Favorite Flower:
* Favorite Confection:
* Favorite Candle Scents:
* Favorite Perfumes:
* Favorite Hobbies:
* Favorite Pastime on a Cold Winter Day:
* International Partner?:


Friday, January 8, 2010

"Millinery flowers" of all kinds have always held a special place in my heart!.....The little "fabric & paper petals" are so endearing to me!...& the colors just deliciously enchanting!....I have collected all kinds over the years, keeping them stored safely away.....However, as I am writing this, it is suddenly occuring to me that I need to start "using" these delicate, tiny blooms!....A couple of parchment-colored velvet flowers were bought to adorn a pair of lamps I have....& a small bouquet of purple violets I picked up to place on a small stack of antique books tucked under a dome of glass!....

So I am now, again, inspired to revisit my box....& will choose to take out the prettiest flowers!...& since this is PINK SATURDAY I guess I had better pay particular attention to all the "pink" varieties!....Thank you Beverly, for always reminding us that "we all deserve a bit of pink in our lives"!...Visit Beverly's blog, "How Sweet The Sound" for a list of all the blogs participating today in PINK SATURDAY!

"A Valentine's Swap is Coming".....

Today Friends, I am at home stenciling new pillow designs, as well as making a quick jaunt to the post office & cleaning up my somewhat cluttered kitchen...but since I have had many of you writing me, asking if I was planning on doing a "Valentine's Swap" I thought I had better get back to you!....

OH YES!!!...I will definitely be doing a swap for Valentines Day!..& following our theme of this year's swaps, it will be involving "homemade" items!!...not everything, but at least one item!....I will be posting all about it late tomorrow afternoon!.....So please come by!...I would love to have you join me!!!....Such a lovely time of year for a swap!!!....

Happy thoughts for a great little weekend!.....Your friend, Heidi XO

( photo: courtesy of Country Living)


Thursday, January 7, 2010

This month, in the January issue of my on-line newsletter, "Living Little with Heidi", I wrote a small piece about the this wonderfully wintery month....I hope you enjoy it!.....


“January, January” …..for me this month is all about “home”. After a couple months of enjoying the company of others, as well as taking part in all that the holiday season has to offer…..I am now ready to keep January all to myself. At this time of year I wish to hibernate if you will. I want to keep to myself, in my own little home, with my own little family. I want to “batten-down-the-hatches”, light a fire & snuggle into the softest chair I own…..Even though I live in an area with mild winter temperatures, it makes no difference in my world….Whether I’m living in New York or California, my lifestyle in January is much the same, with maybe the exception being a daily walk without snow & ice.
In January, I immerse myself in embroidery & quilting!…. sewing that can be accomplished while curled up watching deliciously beautiful movies, that usually involve the stories of Jane Austin.
In January, I vow I will pen a few hand-written letters & read classic literature.
In January, I plan meals of hot, bubbling soups & chowders recipes found in the pages of old cookbooks, & ones always accompanied by crusty loaves of bread & homemade fruit cobblers….
In January, I renew my commitments to “take time for myself” & remind myself once again that the word “no” can be the most valuable tool in avoiding an overbooked & stressful life.
In January, I claim a tiny corner of this world just for that
is calm & peaceful & all mine.

Note: If you would like to receive my newsletter please contact me at

It's Monday & I'm Cooking!!...Today, Ina's Garten's Basil Potato Frittata

Sunday, January 3, 2010

O.K. Girls, Today is Monday January 4th, & I am adding a new recipe to my list of favorites!!!...Now I have made this before, but not for some time!!!....This recipe is "Ina Garten's "Basil Potato Fritatta" & it is beyond delicious!!!...It is a wonderful combination of egg, cheese, fresh basil & potatoes,..... & makes a perfect breakfast entree, but is also fabulous served as a light lunch or dinner!...I like to pair it with a fresh salad of "baby greens" & warm puffy "popovers"!...OMGoodness!....You must try this dish!!!....Will definitely become a recipe you will make again & again!.....Happy Cooking!......Heidi XO

NOTE: My January issue of "Living Little with Heidi" is being sent out Monday morning, so if you would like to receive a copy, just let me know!!


  • 8 tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted butter, divided
  • 2 cups peeled and 1/2-inch diced boiling potatoes (4 potatoes)
  • 8 extra-large eggs
  • 15 ounces ricotta cheese
  • 3/4 pound Gruyere cheese, grated
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 3/4 cup chopped fresh basil leaves
  • 1/3 cup flour
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking powder


Heat the oven to 350 degrees F.

Melt 3 tablespoons of butter in a 10-inch ovenproof omelet pan over medium-low heat. Add the potatoes and fry them until cooked through, turning often, about 10 to 15 minutes. Melt the remaining 5 tablespoons of butter in a small dish in the microwave.

Meanwhile, whisk the eggs, then stir in the ricotta, Gruyere, melted butter, salt, pepper, and basil. Sprinkle on the flour and baking powder and stir into the egg mixture.

Pour the egg mixture over the potatoes and place the pan in the center of the oven. Bake the frittata until it is browned and puffed, 50 minutes to 1 hour. It will be rounded and firm in the middle and a knife inserted in the frittata should come out clean. Serve hot.

Our First "Pink Saturday" of 2010!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Good morning Ladies! Happy New Year to you all! It is the first "Pink Saturday" of 2010,....however our hostess Beverly at "How Sweet The Sound" has suggested we post about something we would like to accomplish this year.... & has given her permission to not necessarily use the color pink, even though "Pink" will return here next week!.....Well as many of you know I always have a million projects swirling around in my "noggin" & of course at this time of year maybe an additional one or two as well!.....However, two projects that are at the top of my list are #1- "To become an exceptional cook"!....I don't mean just trying a new recipe every once in awhile, but truly using my cookbooks & creating some well-planned, healthy & gorgeous meals!!...I will try & post recipes often, on my blog & keep them listed here as well!.....Next year I would like the list to be very long & to be quite versed in the culinary arts!!!........
I guess we'll see! :)

And the #2 must do project for 2010, is to get back to my "quilting"!!....I have been so very busy, that my quilting has been tucked away for some time!.....but no more!....It is a new year & piecing a quilt just makes me feel like I am a pioneer woman of the 1800's!...& I love it!!...My mother often tells me I was born far to late in our history & I think she is so right!! :)

So for this year it is all about "wonderful aromas" coming from my kitchen & "warm quilts" tossed over our beds!..So please wish me luck!....& lots of time!!..I really think I will need lots of both!!!.....Now I'm off to see what you all are planning for 2010!!.....Heidi XO

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