"The Bachelor".....
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Good Morning All,...Today my post is a bit unusual for me....but I just can't help it! Let's just shout it to the world!.....Last night on the television show, "The Bachelor", Matt ( a.k.a. "The Bachelor") proposed to the adorable "Shayne"!!!!!!!!!! I am not at all shy about admitting our family comes together in the evening to take in a bit of T.V.! We all have our favorites & the Bachelor is right up there!!, especially this year! We all LOVE Matt!!!!!....Matt is a businessman from England, & the perfect "bachelor", handsome & charming & smart,.... but what sets this guy apart is that he appears to the viewing public to be somewhat "honorable"! And last night he chose "Shayne", who as you can tell we also just love!!!!...Shayne is the epitome of the California girl in appearance,... tan, blonde & always donning a pair of "Jackie O" sunglasses & an array of babydoll dresses... which I will admit I adore!!! And although young, she seems to know herself much more than most of the others that have gone before her! ...And she tells it as she sees it, which I also find refreshing!...Anyway...Matt proposed to our family's favorite, the "fabulous Shayne" & here at our house we couldn't be happier!!!....How long it will all last is yet to be seen?....but our family is hoping for a "fairytale ending"!!!!!!! "The Bachelor" Matt Grant, & Shayne............Best wishes!!!!
Good evening from here....I have a bit of soft spot for Jude Law!
CArol x
I LOVE the Bachelor too, and I really loved this one. He seemed very real and had such a great sense of humor. I am glad he picked Shane, my original favorite was Amanda, but after seeing the finale, I believe Shane is the best choice for him. She was so sweet and obviously in love with Matt. I really hope they work out.
And we don't have to wait until the fall to see the new season!!!! The Bachelorette starts this Monday. My dh will be watching with me, he really likes Deanna LOL
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