"Awards & Tagging"....
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Good Morning All, I hope this day finds you all doing well!....In the last few days, I have received two "Brillante Weblog" awards & I have been "tagged"! I am thrilled to pieces! Thank you, thank you!....The rules are with this award, that as soon as you receive it, you in turn give it to 7 other deserving blogs. The "BWA" is given for "brilliant photos & text"!, so needless to say it is such a humbling honor to think people are enjoying what you post!...So in turn, it is my pleasure to pass it on to some of my very favorite "blogging friends"!, which is fairly difficult , since I do have quite a few!
I was given the 1st "BWA" by Cammyk at "FRECKLEDFARM", one of the loveliest blogs ever!!.... you will visit over & over again!...The 2nd was from Rhondi at "ROSE COLORED GLASSES" who's blog is so inviting that you will never want to leave!.... I know that passing this award on to 14 blogs is a little silly, but I'm looking at it a little differently....The blogs I have chosen not only are "brilliantly done", but are ones that I enjoy everyday! They are little "glimpses into lives" & are written by ladies who have become my friends. I encourage you all to take the time to add a bit of beauty to your day & check all these posts out!
I am awarding the "Brillante Weblog" to the following.....
*Kim @ Ragged Roses....charming blog about life in England.....darling "etsy" shop too!
*Holly @ mommyholly.....observations of a young mother, beautifully done..."etsy" shop too!
*Rhonda @ Scooterblu's Whimsy....lovely blog!... thoughts on family life in North Carolina..
*Tracy @ Pink Purl.....life in Norway, great "etsy" shop & wonderful insights from London trip....
*Tonya @ Puddin Pop....lovely writings of homelife & sewing from Louisianna "mother of 7".....
*Carol @ Katherine's Dream...incredibly pretty blog of life in the UK....
*Donna @ Donna's Art... a talented painter who sees "art" in all things...go see her "etsy" shop!
*Cathy Louise @Simple things Small joys...exquisitely lovely blog about life & work in Australia
*Carol @ Clover Yard....charming everyday happenings about her home & family in Scotland....
*Annie @ Firefly Farm Style...beautifully done blog & photos!... & lovely on-line store....
*Pam @ Pam Kitty Morning...writings about life as a very creative woman!....
* Kathy @ Kathy's Cottage...sweet "heart pillows" in her "etsy" shop,... along with a great blog!!
*Beverly @How Sweet The Sound....incredible lady, with fabulous ideas & thoughts for the day...
*Mya @ Creative Musing with Mya....enjoyable blog, always a joy to read! & lovely "etsy" shop... And here are the rules ladies.....Congratulations!!! You all have given me many hours of enjoyment & insiration!!....& I feel you all are good friends!......Take care.
*Put the logo on your blog...
*Add a link to the person who awarded you
*Nominate at least 7 other blogs
*Add links to those blogs on yours
*Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs
And last but not least....I also was "tagged" by Michelle at "Mad Red Hare"!...How great were the last few days for me!!?... Thank you so much for thinking of me Michelle!...& please everyone, be sure & visit her delightful blog!!!.....
I have to admit I love to read these "taggings" because through them we get to know a bit more about each other. Here are the rules......
1. Link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Post these rules to your Blog.
3. Share 6 unimportant things about yourself.
4. Tag people at the end of your entry.
Six Unimportant Things About Me:
1- I love "big cities" & "very rural villages"...."suburbia", not so much!......
2-I LOVE dangly,"chandelier" earrings!!!....& not just for dressy occassions, but for everyday with jeans & a t-shirt!...
3-Very big into "basic good manners"...please & thank-you's, holding the door, thank-you notes & R.S.V. P.'s.........
4-I could watch the movie "Emma" every other day!.......(with Gwenyth Paltrow)
5-Love to collect children's books!...
6- And when ordering an alcoholic drink ( very rare!)....I love "Lemon Drop Martinis"!
The six blogging friends I will "tag" today are....Have fun ladies!
1- Jill @ "Bailiwick"
2- Jennifer @ "Sis Boom Day Dream"
3- Holly @ "mommyholly"
4- Jamie @ "Simply Me Art"
5- Heidi @ "Celebrate The Seasons"
6- Jan @ "Jan & Tom's Place"
Thanks so very much Heidi Ann for nominating me.....that is so sweet of you...Take care Cathy
Congratulations on your awards, Heidi--well done, and so well deservered! And thank you so much for sharing an award with me--what a sweeth thrill! Such fun to read your tag answers...I'm with you on the manners thing--especially in this day and age when good manners seem to be fading, those little "niceties" are very much appreciated! Hope you're having a great week :o9 ((HUGS))
Thank you so much for the award. I am so thrilled. I will be back later to get the award and post it tomorrow on my blog. You are very sweet and congrats on your award.
Heidi, thank you so much for the award, and your kind words.
This was one of the most graciously written posts I have read. Your kindness and love for beauty is what we all love about you.
Congratulatons on your award Heidi- I do love your blog and the things you share:>) I agree with you on the meme, it is fun to get to know everyone a little better through them! Thanks also, for passing the award on to me, it means a lot that you enjoy my blog:>)
You'll find out the 6 Unimportant Things About Me a little later...right now I'm out the door to run some errands. Thanks for the TAG!
Congrats on the Awards!!!
Thank you so much Heidi Ann! I am so honored you thought of me : )
THANKS momma!!!!!!!! How super sweet of you, little lady! :) xoxox!
Well Ms. Heidi, Well deserved Award. Thank you so very much for passing it on to me! I so appreciate it. Jamie
Thank you for the award, Heidi, and for your kind words! I'll be posting it soon.
Congrats on your awards! You are so deserving.
I love 'lemon drops' too! I might need one tonight as I am getting ready to have 30 or so guests over to swim and celebrate Kellen's 5th birthday.....
Thanks for the award!!! You're so kind. I'll work on this in the next few days. xo
Hello!! Congratulations on your very well deserved awards Heidi. thank you so much for passing one of them on to me and the kind, generous words you've posted. i also wanted to thank you for your lovely comments on my last post, I was chuffed (such an English word!!!) to hear that you had mentioned me to your non-blogging friends!!
I love your tag answers and agree with most of them, but have never heard of a lemon drop martini, it does sound good though
Hello Heidi and congratulations on your award. I will do the tag next week sometime. Hope all is well on your side of the globe? I am busy spending my summer working on finishing off some stitching and quilts and often think of you sewing over there too. :)
Hugs ~
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