"The Cleaning Continues".....
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
A little" glimpse"of my collection of ironstone....all "sparkling clean"!...... Well, if you read this blog yesterday, you would know that I have lots to accomplish in the next week or so. With a "baby shower" in a week and a half, I am trying to get lots of my housecleaning, yardwork & sewing done this week, so I won't be trying to squeeze it all in at the last minute!............However, being an ENORMOUS PROCRASTINATOR, I found every excuse in the book yesterday, not to do a thing!!??...I did a bit of sewing & straightening, then went to my grandson's swim lesson, to lunch, the bookstore & then home to swim!..not alot checked off the"list"! ........So this morning I need to get my act together & get to work!...I have accomplished a bit of dusting & furniture polishing so far, & things may be headed in the right direction!.... Here's to a day of "accomplishing"!!!!....See you all tomorrow!
Note: I have not posted many photos of my own home lately, but the ones here this morning are my own!...all dusted & cleaned! An old "flower basket" filled with blooms...a perfect backdrop to these newly made "shell boxes".......all white & summery!
One of my living room end tables...very well-dusted!!!..... One down, many to go!!....Off to continue my "tidying"!....too-dah-loo!!
Hi Heidi,
Your ironstone collection is beautiful, and I love the wing back chair in the one photo.
Well, hope you get everything done that you want to. Sometimes it's overwhelming, isn't it! Don't forget to take some breaks!
Too-dah-loo!! I haven't heard that in a while, but I love it.
Can you clean while holding your pinky in the air? Like a lady drinking her tea?
Good luck getting everything done. Like you, I tend to procrastinate when I have things I *need* to do.
Beautiful!! Glad to see pix of your own house and to know you're on your way to checking those items off your TO DO LIST!!
Everything is certainly sparkly- and lovely!!
Happy Independence Day blessings,
kari & kijsa
I love it when you share photos of your own home Heidi! You have beautiful things and I love your brown transferware. Sure wish I could find some here. I am sure your baby shower will be a great success. You are throwing your heart into it by the sounds of it. Remember they are coming for you and the atmosphere you create and not for a spot of dust you might miss. Enjoy yourself!
Hugs ~
The white of the ironstone is just glowing against your dark woo. I love that look. Your home is bautiful, I am sure your party will be too.
The top photo is beautiful! Good luck with the tidying, and thanks so much for the lovely welcome back message :)
Hello Heidi, I have one thing to say to you about your to do list. I live by it. If it wasn't for the last minute, Nothing would get done. Smile!
How very pretty your pictures are. I love your ironstone. And I agree- my eye caught that gorgeous wingback! YAYA! Have a wonderful celebration!
Blessings! Carolyn
I love the manner in which blogs seduce us into things like cleaning when we can take a lovely after picture and post.
How often do we get to the end of cleaning bronze or silver etc and then have no one else to see it.
A bit like tidying my quilting/cutting table and needing to take a photo as it only lasts for 10 mins. Love all that white. Congratulations.
Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving the lovely comments. Sorry for the delay in responding. I am just now catching up with my blog comments. :)
I love your ironstone pieces -- you have a beautiful home.
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