"My 100th Post"......
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Good Morning to You All, It is Wednesday, July 30th, 2008. Today marks 100 posts here on my blog..."Foxgloves, Fabric and Folly"! I simply cannot believe it?....It wasn't that long ago that I decided to begin this blog....in fact to be totally honest, I really wasn't even sure what exactly a "blog" was?......One day when pulling up Martha Stewart's website, I noticed hers. I read it that day,... & then the next... & then the next. I loved reading about her day to day activities. Then I noticed she had her favorite blogs listed to one side of her page, & I noticed Jenn Docherty's at "Oh Happy Day". Well long story short, I started reading Jenn's & loved her simple posts. Then I started reading "her" favorites & so the story goes. Within a few days I was asking my daughter Holly to help me set up a blog! Oh mercy I was teased!!!...Here was a woman who was no whiz at the computer....sure I could e-mail & shop, but that was about the extent of it......now she wanted to "blog"???....Well Holly reluctantly helped me, quite skeptical about this new venture....and then low & behold!, a few days later, Miss Skepical was starting a blog too,.... "mommyholly", which I am proud to say is a delightful readl!...
Since that time a few months ago, I have to say, that starting my blog has been one of the most rewarding & enjoyable things I have ever taken on. To say I have met wonderful people from all over the world would be an understatement.....Yes I have met wonderful people from all over the world, but they are no longer just "people", they are "friends".....Dear friends who I chat with on a very regular basis, ....ones who I have so much in common with. These friends, even though far away, are very "real" indeed. We share about our lives, our families, our joys & sorrows. It is a "family"..... one that I am very thankful for....& very proud to be a part of. Thank you all for coming into my life......
As this is my 100th post, I would love to celebrate with a "giveaway"! I am giving away three things as my way of saying "thank you" for making my blogging experience such a joy! All I am asking is that you leave a comment on my page either today (July 30th) or tomorrow (July 31st). And then out of all the comments I will randomly select three winners on Saturday August 1st....The first one will receive my "Fairfield Striped Quilt" in taupe/white.....the second, one of my new Christmas quilted runners in red/white with jingle bells and the third, my "Summer in the Country" pillow in blue/cream awning stripe! All three of these pieces are listed at my etsy store,... heididevlin.etsy.com, with the runners being added soon. I so hope you will join me in celebrating this special day! Thank you all again, for adding so much to my life! I so appreciate it!..... love you all!......Heidi xo *"Fairfield Striped Quilt"...this is an heirloom quality piece in a lovely simple design...(taupe/white)......
One of my new Christmas "quilted runners".....8 feet long, adorned with jingle bells!!!!.......(red/white) My "Summer in the Country" pillow in awning stripes......(blue/cream.....hand-printed with words of summer....example: swimming hole, watermelon, daydream, relax, sweet corn, etc.)
Heidi, I am finally getting around to the blogs I like so much. My entire month has been a whirlwind of grands, a wedding here in my home and in-law company. Whew!
I really enjoyed your 100th post. It is fun to learn about why one would start to blog. I too am amazed at how much the friends I have met blogging, mean to me. It is a bond of sharing like no other.
Your give-a-ways are lovely. I think I may be getting close to 100 posts, so I better get my thinking cap on.
Congratulations on 100 posts and may there be many more for us to enjoy.
well done on 100 posts! , I recently managed 50. Its great to read about other people lives and interests,thoughts, feelings, good times and bad and give and get support from new "friends", thank you for allowing us to share that.
Josie x
***Jumping up and down and waving*** Hi Heidi...congrats on your 100th post!!! So glad you're here!!
I love give-aways!! Hope I win in yours!! Your items are lovely!!
ps...I just noticed that you are NOT signed up in our JULY BIRTHDAY PARTY give-away! Stop by, click on the birthday cake in our right column and leave the special comment required to enter...only today and tomorrow left to enter!!
You are one of my "dailies"! Congrats on #100! You are a delight! (I am within a few of mine as well.) Blessings, Shay
Congrats on 100 post. You have such a lovely post and wonderful give aways.
I love your 100 post, was nice learning why and how you started your blog.
Keep up the good work,
congrats on joining in the blogging world and making a great contribution.
If you sneak to mine quickly you can enter the competition that is meant to end there in about 30 mins.
HI Heidi,
You have another beautiful post....I am sure that the next 100will be just as inspiring and fun as the first. I love all the pictures.
Your give away idea is as great as you are! Thanks for something fun to do today and to anticipate over the next few days.
Kim Nico.
PS are you planning another quilt show/party any time soon? I've never been able to make it before but would love to come to one.
Your blog is beautiful! Congratulations on making it to 100!! Wishing you MANY more!!
heidi, you have such a beautiful blog!! i truely enjoy coming and readin it.
congrats on your 100th post!!
Happy 100!!! Time flys by doesn't it?
Congrats on your 100th post - I was hoping I was near that - but found I'm only at 41. Guess I'll have to make a lot more posts.
I loved your story of how you started blogging - and all your posts, acutally.
Your give-aways are very nice, and so generous.
Keep up the good work!!
What can I say? I am so glad you got that desire to have your own blog, and I'm happy Holly helped you - and then followed along herself.
I always know that you are going to have a smile for me when I visit. I just knew from the beginning that we were kindred spirits. Not to mention, that we are both grandmothers to the best grandsons in the world.
May your days always give you the sunshine that you give us.
Congratulations, Heidi! I am very impressed with your technical skills after just learing what a blog was not so very long ago! Your story is inspiring. I always love to see what you are involved in and your photos are EYE CANDY without the calories or dental drawbacks!
Your Giveaway prizes are more than generous~SO beautiful! YAY for 100 POSTS! : ) Erin Glee
Happy Blogoversary Heidi Ann... Have only just discovered your Blog with 'Simple Things Small Joys' help & I'm Luvin it still reading...
Congratulations!! So glad you decided to blog, your ideas, projects and pictures are wonderful. Keep going, you inspire many! Heather
Happy 100th Heidi! Congratulations!!
Blogging is rewarding, in many ways.
I hope we enjoy it together for years to come!
Hi! Congratulations on your 100th post! I found you via Tonyas blog :-) What a great giveaway....please put me in the drawing ;-)
Congratulations! I came over from Puddin Pop's blog and I totally was the same way when I started my blog (only my first read was Heather Bailey's).
All of those prizes are just gorgeous! What a fun giveaway!
What a lovely giveaway. I would love to win any of them.
Congrats on your 100th post. I loved reading about how your blog got started.
I'm having two giveaways going on right now. One is a quicky two day giveaway and the other is Christmas in July giveaway.
Both close down on the 31st which is tomorrow so if you are interested you may want to stop by and enter. Good luck winning if you do.
I recently had my 50th post. Thinking about why I started blogging, and what it has become in 5 short months really gives one a perspective on our own interests & skills.
I'd love to be in the drawing for your beautiful handiwork!
Congratulations on your 100th post. I so enjoyed reading your 100th post. I also have made some life long friends. It is hard to explain and you did it so beautifully.
You seem very skilled for a beginner. It is amazing how quickly we pick up on so many new things. Who says you can't teach a old dog new tricks? Say I am having a giveaway on my recipe blog--http://parkersgeneral.blogspot.com-- stop over and visit.
Thanks for the opportuntiy to be a part of your delightful giveaway!
Im glad I discovered you before your hundredth post. Such an interesting introduction to your blogging beginnings.
Hi Heidi Ann
Congratulations on your 100th post. You are so right about all the friendships you make blogging.I am glad that I've gotten to know you and call you my friend. Your giveaway is great and I sure hope I win.
Hugs, Rhondi
congrats on the 100th post!
what a beautiful blog! I just found you, I can't wait to explore more!! Congratulations on 100 posts
Wow! I knew when you started blogging that it would be beautiful, and I have so enjoyed reading your blog! It is like a breath of fresh air! Here is to the next 100!
Happy 100th!!!! I can't get number 1 off the ground, you should be so pleased with yourself.
Please throw my name in the hat for your fantastic giveaways, who wouldn't want to win such beauties.
Keep on blogging, I realy enjoy reading all you have to say.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
HI Heidi,
I love Rhondi's blog and your comment on her blog led me here- I certainly will have to come back and visit again - giveaway or not. I have not jumped into having my own blog-so far I am content with reading others and making the occasional comment. I wish you continued good luck with your blog - may you continue to enjoy meeting the many wonderful people around the world that share your interests.
Regards from a Western canadian quilter
Congratulations! Now, on to the next 100! Your three giveaways are all so lovely, and so generous! I too love this blogging world - getting to "see" the lives of other like-minded women across the state, across the country, or across the world is pretty amazing, isn't it? ::Jill
I can totally relate to why you started blogging. Reading other people's blogs is what started me. I'm only at 13 posts though. Congratulations on your 100th!
Oh, and I found your blog by linking from a blog list of a blog that I linked to from a blog that I found a link to on a blog about rabbits -- I love rabbits. Funny how one love will lead to another.
I almost forgot to leave a message! Congratulations on your 100th post! You are one of my favorite people in this new world of blogging, I am so glad you decided to start : D
Great blog and what a great quilter!!! I'm almost to 100th post and doing a giveaway also...www.livingthegoodlife5.blogspot.com come on over and sign up.
Congrats on your 100 posts, love reading your post Heidi!
I'm new to the blogging world, so I hope I'm posting this comment correctly. I love your blog. You're very talented. Thank you for sharing. I'm looking forward to using some of your recipes too.
Oh my goodness! What treasures! These pieces are truly works of art! I would love to be entered into the drawing! CONGRATULATIONS on your 100th post! I can't remember where I am on mine but I better get better at posting than I have lately or I will never get there!! LOL!!
Isn't the blogging community fantastic?!? I still can not believe the network of women and how sweet they are, how we can share, be encouraged, be supported, etc. It is truly a blessing!
I am glad we have met!!
Have a great day!
-Heather :)
Hi Heidi,
Congratulations on your 100th post!!! You are amazing!!!
Big Hug!! Judy :0)
Hi Heidi, Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog, glad you like it! :) I just got into photography this year, and I was just really surprised to see it. I'm glad you liked it and were able to utilize it. It gives me great pride! Take care! Candi
Btw...thanks for entering me in your giveaway!
Hi Heidi! Congratulations on your 100th post! WOOHOOO!!!! :) I am so glad to be a part of your blogging world! You bring so much delight and encouragment to mine! And I am so glad to call you friend!
By the way, I love ALL of your give-aways! They are amazing! Do you have any more of the nautical awning strip material? I would love to have two standard shams with "nautical words" & summer sayings on them. Would you be interested in making some, and how much would they cost? This is a beautiful pillow that you have done and shams in the same design would give me that extra punch I need for the blue lake house bedroom! Just let me know! :)
Hugs, Rhonda
Congratulations and many thanks for all that you've shared with us via your blog Heidi!
Congratulations on your
100th post and creating a beautiful place to stop by and visit. I love your sewing studio (room) and I cannot believe you were one of the lucky "Garden Party" winners! Looking forward to your next 100 posts!
Congratulations on your 100th post. You are one of my dailies so I hope you keep on going!
Congrats on your 100th post! I too am fairly new to blogland and I think that that 100th post seems so far away. I love your give aways!
Your quilts are beautiful!
Congratulations on your 100th post.
WOW!!! Congrats on your 100th post. I just found your blog, through your daughter's blog! How funny you guys hit your 100th posts around the same time! LOL
I would LOVE to be entered in your giveaway!!! I am SUCH A fan of quilts and anything quilted! What beautiful things you are giving away!!! Thank you so much for the chance!!! *crossing my fingers!* LOL
Happy 100, Heidi! Looking forward to 100's & 100's more!! It's been such a joy to meet you and get to know you in recent months--I am glad to call you my friend! :o) So happy you joined us all in this beautiful community of friendship & share in blogland. Your gifts are pure delight, and so very generous. Do count me in on the giveaway fun! Happy Day celebrating ((BIG HUGS))
Your blog is such a delight! I will definitely be adding you to my favorites! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog.:-) I so look forward to getting to know you better!
I would love to enter your giveaway! Each item is so lovely!
Wow, the comments are stacking up here! What a fantastic giveaway! I so enjoy your blog and am glad I found it. My daughter was the same way about blogging. She made fun of me as I learned but just recently started her own and has discovered how fun and rewarding it can be. The people in blogland are great and I'm very glad to get to know you as another friend in cyberspace! You should celebrate your 100th post by doing something special just for you today!
Hi Heidi, Thanks for the heads up about your giveaway! I would love to win any of those items so please pop my name in the hat! x
P.S. Thanks for stopping by. I just had to add that I too am a new grandmother as of the first of June, only I have a granddaughter who someday hopefully will call me Grammy (she already has four other grandmas)!
Wow 100th post! Congratulations! I would love if you entered me into your giveaway, I love that runner!
Off to visit Etsy!
Laura :)
Congratulations on your 100th post! I so agree with you.... blogging for me too has been the most enjoyable and rewarding experience. I just realised that my 100th post came and went without fanfare. You have inspired me to do something exciting to celebrate also... even if it will be retrospective! Enjoy your next 100 posts and thank you so much for your wonderful words of encouragement over at my place! A-M xx
Congrats on 100 posts! Your blog is bookmarked in my favorites I enjoy checking in and reading and being inspired by your posts.
(Kay's Daughter)
WOW 100 Congrats! I havent to long started a blog so I am the same way you were when you started out. But I have come to love making new friends. Please come by my blog Im doing a book giveaway. Blessings karen
Happy 100th! unlurking to let you know I really enjoy your blog. LindaSonia
What a generous giveaway and lovely things too.
Congratulations on your 100th post.
Wishing you a hundred more plus,
Congrats on your 100th post!! Time flies when your having a good time doesnt it?
Wow! I can say I knew you when......you said, "whats a computer?"
Your blog is amazing and wonderful! Heres to celebrating 100!
xo, Lauren
Happy 100th post Heidi. Beautiful, beautiful pictures as ever, Martha Stewart has nothing on your blog believe me! Congratulations and happy blogging.
Hello dear Heidi! Congrats on your 100 posts. I am so happy that you decided to start a blog too. Your blog is a beautiful little corner to sit and in and have fun with such delicious photos too! Your quilts are just beautiful. Hope you're having a wonderful summery day
Hi, Cogratulations on your 100th post, in such a short space of time, heres to many more. I've only just found your blog and it's beautiful with stunning pictures.
yeah Heidi....100 posts, wow! I can so relate to the fun that blogging can bring to life. I have loved having one of my own and also loved reconnecting with so many people by reading theirs.
For my 100th post I'm thinking of giving away one of my kids.
much love, colleen
Hi Heidi :)
Thank you so much for coming by and letting me know about your 100th post! I love your blog too :)
I started blogging the same way except my "Martha" was Kim at Daisy Cottage. It's fun isn't it?
So glad to meet you!
Congrats on your 100th blog, Heidi! I love visiting you ~ your blog is wonderful. Keep up the great work!
Congrats on your 100th post. I am so happy to have found your beautiful blog and look forward to your next 100 posts. I would love to be entered into your lovely and generous giveaway.
Hi Heidi, If you want to "cheer you, Holly, and Andrew up"...don't got to the zoo! It's too hot and it smells....probably lots worse because of the heat! LOLOL! It was neat, but the heat kind of dampened our fun! How long before Andrew gets his cast off? David goes back to the doctor Monday.
I hope you all find something exciting to do this weekend! Cheer up sweetie! :)
Hugs, Rhonda
I hopped over here on Pink Saturday and saw your giveaway. Those are beautiful items and I would love to win one of them so please enter me in your giveaway. Thank you so much!! Congrats on your 100 postings!!
what a lovely blog and a generous give away, is it too cheeky to ask to be in when it's only my first visit> If it is just accept my thoughts as to the loveliness of your blog x grace
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